YouTube Comparison

Alaska vs JetBlue on YouTube
Author – Ravreet Kaur
These days, YouTube has become a very useful platform which businesses use in order to promote their products and services by sharing the videos related to their products and services. This makes easier for the customer to understand what the business is trying to convey and make decision. Alaska and JetBlue Airlines are have active YouTube accounts to promote their services.
Alaska Airlines joined to YouTube on Feb 25, 2009. They post videos related to their services that they provide. Their videos are mostly have their employees telling about their services. Employees tell about how they help their customers get best experience and enjoy their trips to their destinations. They usually post one video every week.
JetBlue Airlines joined the YouTube on March 14, 2006. They post videos related to the events they are organising to make the trips of their customers happy, relaxed and stress less. They usually post 1 or 2 videos every month. They make really efficient videos to promote their services among the customers.
In description area of their channel, Alaska airlines welcome the people to their YouTube channel and they gave the link where we can visit to get more information and news related to their company. Also, they provide the links to their social media accounts like their website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Blog, LinkedIn, etc. On the other hand, JetBlue Provide link for official customer concerns and their social media accounts – Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, google +, etc.
The successful video of Alaska Airlines is “#iAmAlaska; Larry”, in this video they want to show how their employees take care of the safety of the people flying in Alaska Airlines and check the craft thoroughly before flying. This video has 731 views. This video shows that the workers are committed to safety by making sure their aircrafts are well-maintained. Link to this video is -

The successful post of JetBlue airlines is “JetBlue I shared plate”, This video is about the new campaign that the JetBlue is starting about sharing the plate which means that the customers will get a chance to dine with unknown people together and they will get to know people from different regions. This video is viewed by 50,307 people and has 112 likes. Link to this video is -

Overall, Alaska Airlines has 13,148 subscribers on their channel and has posted total of 160 videos. On the other hand, JetBlue has 22,161 subscribers and has posted 175 videos on their channel.


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